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Topic: trouvé chez l'éditeur anglais
Posted by: Shaniah at mar. 29 juil. 2003 11:32:14 CEST

Keywords: pour vous dire...


March 2000 J.K. Rowling reveals in a press conference that someone will die in the new book, that Harry's hormones will start to kick in and that the Quidditch World Cup will be featured.


Par contre un truc dégueulasse que j'ai appris sur le site de ma comparse Tina Ling:

"Second of all... "The Death". Major big deal, I personally read that part on my way to work, and then just sort of stopped for a long time, like "Wha...?" Then I was miserable all day, but I'm getting over it. And NO, you're NOT getting any spoilers from me! I've heard horror stories from web hosts/hostesses about people writing in to them on SATURDAY telling them how the book ended! For shame on those people, you should give at least a week EASY to let everyone finish the book! :( I would have been SO upset if someone had told me who "The Death" was! I kind of figured something like that was bound to happen, so as of Friday night I told myself that I wouldn't go into my mailbox until I finished the book. When I did (tonight) I went in there, and lo and behold, about 7 people were there with who it was. Most of them had titles like "HP5 Spoiler" and stuff, which is alright, but there were a few that just threw themselves right into the topic, and that's wrong, guys, there are some people still reading =\"

(site de fanart que je vous conseille: up to no good)

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