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Topic: l'avatar de la petite fille :
Posted by: Bussiere dans la lune avec les lapins .... at lun. 31 janv. 2005 22:22:57 CET



The little girl, the little girl si the pendant of the mother she is always sweet cheerful and innocent. She could cry and be hungry but she will be always cute but sometimes malicious.
The name of the Little girl is feminine, and most little dirl are female, but some male Little Girl do exist and are more malicious.

Attributes: The Little Girl is always charismatic, in a flashy, cute way. He travels frequently, and always has wonderful things to say and to tell or to ask. In some way, the Little Girl represents the splendor of the innocence and cutenss , brought into the mundane world in a way that is amazing. This clean, consumable presentation is often, but not always, a disguise.

Symbols: Large Dress and teddy bear, dolls match too ...

Suspected Avatars in History: brontë sisters,

Masks: alice in wonderland, candy, princess sarah, redskirt, "le bon petit diable".

Taboo: she can't make something totally uncute and like a true adult ...


01-50% : Cuteness power once a day she can make an avatar rool against the mind score of someone if she win he must agree a little request like buy me something take me too the candy shop or theater ...

51-70% : help me : with an avatar roll against someone mind she could make him to protect her and help her in the best way even if he have to risk his life ...
it last one day, she can always found a place to eat and a roof with that power ...

71-90% : A little girl can ask now a major request to someone by making an avatar roll against his mind ...

91-98% : she will be always cute and charming (as long as she do nothing uncute), and people will like her and have difficulty to act against her (mind roll gainst her avatar) and trust her and so she will never age ....

fais a la va vite ...

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